Coronavirus nigeria bans travels to uk china usa france 9 others

I think there may be some misinformation here.

As of my knowledge cutoff, Nigeria has not banned travels to the UK, China, USA, France, or any other country due to the coronavirus pandemic.

However, Nigeria has taken several measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including:

  1. Closing its borders to non-essential travel: Nigeria closed its land borders in August 2020 to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but this was not a blanket ban on all travel.
  2. Introducing travel restrictions: Nigeria has introduced travel restrictions for passengers arriving from countries with high COVID-19 cases, including mandatory quarantine and testing.
  3. Implementing health protocols: Nigeria has implemented various health protocols at airports, seaports, and land borders, including temperature checks, screening, and contact tracing.

It's important to note that travel restrictions and measures can change rapidly, and it's always best to check with official sources, such as the Nigerian Government's website or the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), for the latest information on travel requirements and restrictions.

Additionally, it's worth noting that the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Nigerian Government have not issued any travel bans to the countries you mentioned (UK, China, USA, France, etc.).