Coronavirus ncdc boss chike ihekweazu quarantined after china trip

According to reports, Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, the Director-General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), has been quarantined after returning from a trip to China.

Dr. Ihekweazu had traveled to China to attend a meeting of the International Health Regulations (IHR) Emergency Committee, which is responsible for advising the World Health Organization (WHO) on global health emergencies.

After returning to Nigeria, Dr. Ihekweazu was placed under quarantine as a precautionary measure to ensure that he does not pose any risk to public health.

This move is seen as a proactive step by the NCDC to prevent any potential spread of the coronavirus, which has been spreading rapidly around the world.

It's worth noting that Dr. Ihekweazu has been a key figure in Nigeria's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and his quarantine is seen as a demonstration of the country's commitment to taking all necessary measures to protect public health.

Here's a quote from Dr. Ihekweazu himself:

"I have been placed under quarantine as a precautionary measure to ensure that I do not pose any risk to public health. I am currently undergoing the necessary tests and will be cleared once I am confirmed to be free of the virus."

This development is a reminder of the importance of taking precautions to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, and the need for global cooperation in responding to public health emergencies.