Coronavirus might already be in the psl fears kaizer chiefs coach middendorp

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or statement made by Ernst Middendorp, the coach of Kaizer Chiefs, a South African football club.

According to reports, Middendorp expressed concerns that the coronavirus might already be present in the Premier Soccer League (PSL), citing the fact that some players have been showing symptoms similar to those of COVID-19.

Middendorp's comments were likely made in response to the growing concerns about the spread of the virus globally and the potential impact it could have on the PSL season. As the coach of one of the top teams in the league, Middendorp would naturally be concerned about the health and well-being of his players, as well as the potential disruption to the season.

It's worth noting that the PSL has taken steps to mitigate the risk of the virus spreading, including implementing measures such as increased sanitization, social distancing, and restricting travel for players and staff.

Do you have any other questions about this topic or would you like to know more about the PSL's response to the coronavirus outbreak?