Coronavirus lagos state locates two men onboard airline flight

According to reports, Lagos State has located two men who were onboard an airline flight that brought in a passenger who tested positive for the coronavirus.

The two men, who were passengers on the same flight as the infected individual, have been traced and are currently undergoing isolation and testing at a designated facility in Lagos.

The Lagos State Government has taken swift action to identify and track down all passengers who were on the same flight as the infected individual, in order to prevent the spread of the virus.

The government has also activated its emergency response plan to contain the spread of the virus, and has set up isolation centers and testing facilities to manage the situation.

The public has been advised to remain calm and to follow all guidelines and protocols issued by the government to prevent the spread of the virus.

It is important to note that the Lagos State Government is working closely with the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies to contain the spread of the virus and to provide support to those affected.

The situation is being closely monitored, and updates will be provided as more information becomes available.