Coronavirus lady alleges discrimination at abuja hotel

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A Nigerian woman, who tested positive for COVID-19, has alleged that she was discriminated against by staff at a hotel in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria.

According to reports, the woman, who was not named, checked into the hotel on March 25, 2020, and was later diagnosed with COVID-19. She claimed that the hotel staff treated her poorly and refused to provide her with the necessary assistance and care.

The woman alleged that the hotel staff refused to provide her with a separate room, despite her request, and instead placed her in a room with other guests. She also claimed that the staff refused to provide her with food and water, and instead told her to go out and buy her own.

The woman further alleged that the hotel staff refused to provide her with a mask or gloves, despite her request, and instead told her to use her own. She also claimed that the staff refused to provide her with a thermometer, despite her request, and instead told her to go out and buy her own.

The woman's allegations have sparked outrage on social media, with many Nigerians calling for the hotel to be held accountable for its alleged discriminatory behavior.

The hotel has since issued a statement denying the allegations, saying that it provided the woman with a separate room and all the necessary assistance and care. However, the woman has disputed the hotel's claims, saying that she has evidence to support her allegations.

The incident has highlighted the need for hotels and other public places to provide adequate care and assistance to individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19. It has also raised concerns about the potential for discrimination against individuals who have tested positive for the virus.

The Nigerian government has launched an investigation into the incident, and the hotel has been ordered to provide a report on the matter. The outcome of the investigation is still pending.