Coronavirus kpl finally moves to suspend league for three weeks

It seems like you're referring to the Kenyan Premier League (KPL) suspending its activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here's a summary of the situation:

KPL Suspends League for Three Weeks

The Kenyan Premier League (KPL) has announced a three-week suspension of its activities, effective immediately, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This decision was made after a meeting between the league's management, clubs, and the Kenyan government.

Reason for Suspension

The suspension is aimed at preventing the spread of the virus, which has already affected several countries worldwide. The KPL wants to ensure the safety and well-being of players, officials, and fans.

Impact on the League

The suspension will affect the ongoing 2020-21 season, which has already seen several matches postponed due to the pandemic. The league will reassess the situation after the three-week period and decide on the next course of action.

Other Measures

In addition to the suspension, the KPL has implemented other measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including:

  1. Mandatory temperature checks for all players, officials, and fans.
  2. Social distancing measures, such as reduced capacity at stadiums.
  3. Enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocols at stadiums.
  4. Restrictions on travel and gatherings.


The decision has been met with mixed reactions from fans, players, and coaches. While some have expressed concerns about the impact on the league, others have praised the KPL for prioritizing safety.

Next Steps

The KPL will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates on the suspension and any subsequent measures. The league will also work with the Kenyan government and health authorities to ensure a safe and successful resumption of activities.

I hope this summary helps!