Coronavirus italian patient recovering well now eats amala lagos government

I think there may be some confusion here.

It seems like you've mixed up a few unrelated things. Here's a breakdown:

  1. "Coronavirus Italian patient recovering well" - This is a good news story about an Italian patient who has recovered from COVID-19.
  2. "Eats" - This is a verb that means to consume food.
  3. "Amala" - Amala is a type of traditional Nigerian food made from yams.
  4. "Lagos government" - Lagos is a city in Nigeria, and the government refers to the local administration of the city.

So, it seems like you're trying to say that the Italian patient who recovered from COVID-19 now eats amala, which is a Nigerian food. However, there's no connection between the patient's recovery and the Lagos government.

If you could provide more context or clarify what you're trying to say, I'd be happy to help!