Coronavirus israel to bring in 14 day quarantine for all arrivals

According to recent reports, Israel has announced that it will be imposing a 14-day quarantine on all arrivals to the country, effective immediately. This measure is aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and protecting the public's health.

The decision was made after a surge in new cases was reported in recent days, with the number of confirmed cases in Israel reaching over 1,000. The quarantine will apply to all travelers arriving in Israel, including citizens, residents, and tourists.

Here are some key details about the quarantine:

  1. Duration: The quarantine will last for 14 days from the date of arrival in Israel.
  2. Applicability: The quarantine will apply to all travelers arriving in Israel, including citizens, residents, and tourists.
  3. Exemptions: The quarantine will not apply to:
    • Medical personnel and healthcare workers who are arriving in Israel to provide medical assistance.
    • Diplomats and international officials who are arriving in Israel for official business.
    • Travelers who are arriving in Israel for humanitarian reasons, such as to visit a sick family member.
  4. Monitoring: Travelers will be required to stay in their place of residence or accommodation for the duration of the quarantine and will be monitored by health authorities.
  5. Testing: Travelers will be tested for COVID-19 on the 12th day of their quarantine, and if they test positive, they will be required to continue their quarantine for an additional 2-3 days.

The Israeli government has also announced that it will be increasing the number of testing sites and expanding the availability of testing to help identify and contain the spread of the virus.

It's worth noting that these measures are subject to change, and travelers should check with the Israeli government's official websites or consult with their travel agents for the latest information before planning their trip to Israel.