Coronavirus isis tells terrorist not to travel to europe for jihad

I think there may be some confusion here.

Firstly, there is no such thing as "Coronavirus ISIS". The Islamic State (ISIS) is a terrorist organization that was formed in 2006, and it has been responsible for numerous attacks and atrocities around the world. The coronavirus, on the other hand, is a highly contagious respiratory virus that was first identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019.

Secondly, it's highly unlikely that ISIS would issue a statement telling its terrorists not to travel to Europe for jihad. In fact, ISIS has historically encouraged its followers to travel to Europe and other parts of the world to carry out attacks.

It's possible that you may have come across a misleading or satirical article or social media post that was misinterpreted as factual. I would recommend verifying information through reputable news sources before sharing or believing it.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to ask!