Coronavirus iraq reports first two confirmed deaths as fears rise

According to reports, Iraq has confirmed its first two deaths from the coronavirus, as the country struggles to contain the spread of the virus.

The two deaths were reported in the city of Najaf, which is a major pilgrimage site for Shia Muslims. The victims were both elderly men who had underlying health conditions.

The news comes as Iraq has seen a significant increase in the number of reported cases in recent days. The country has now reported a total of 134 cases, with 34 new cases reported in the past 24 hours.

The Iraqi government has taken several measures to try to contain the spread of the virus, including closing schools and universities, restricting travel, and imposing curfews in some areas.

However, despite these efforts, the virus continues to spread, and there are concerns that the country's healthcare system may not be equipped to handle the number of cases.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concern about the situation in Iraq, saying that the country's healthcare system is "under significant pressure" and that there is a "high risk" of further spread of the virus.

The WHO has also called for increased testing and contact tracing to try to contain the spread of the virus, as well as for increased support for the country's healthcare system.

The situation in Iraq is being closely monitored by the international community, and there are concerns that the virus could spread to other countries in the region.

It's worth noting that the situation is constantly evolving, and the numbers may change as more information becomes available.