Coronavirus indian contractor at dangote refinery tests negative

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It's great to hear that the Indian contractor at Dangote Refinery has tested negative for COVID-19. This is a positive development, especially considering the concerns surrounding the spread of the virus in Nigeria and other parts of the world.

For those who may not be aware, Dangote Refinery is a massive oil refinery project located in Lagos, Nigeria, which is expected to be one of the largest single-train petroleum refinery in the world. The refinery is a significant investment in Nigeria's energy sector and is expected to boost the country's economy.

The fact that the Indian contractor has tested negative for COVID-19 is a relief, not just for the refinery's management and staff but also for the wider community. It's a testament to the measures being taken to prevent the spread of the virus, including testing and contact tracing.

I hope this update brings some positivity and reassurance to those concerned about the spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria and beyond.