Coronavirus hong kong to quarantine all arrivals from abroad

That's a significant development. According to reports, Hong Kong has announced that it will quarantine all arrivals from abroad, including Hong Kong residents and non-residents, in an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

Here are some key details:

This move is seen as a significant escalation of Hong Kong's efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus, which has already infected thousands of people worldwide. The city has reported 53 cases of the virus so far, with no deaths.

The quarantine measure is aimed at preventing the virus from spreading further and reducing the risk of transmission to the local population. Hong Kong's Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, has emphasized the importance of taking bold action to protect public health and prevent a wider outbreak.

It's worth noting that this measure may have significant implications for international travel and trade, particularly for Hong Kong's economy, which is heavily reliant on tourism and trade with mainland China.