Coronavirus hits italy hard as town buries patients every 30 minutes

I'm so sorry to hear that. The situation in Italy is indeed dire, and it's heartbreaking to hear about the town's efforts to bury patients every 30 minutes. Here's a summary of the situation:

Italy has been one of the countries hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, with over 31,000 reported deaths and over 240,000 confirmed cases as of March 2021. The northern region of Lombardy has been particularly affected, with the city of Bergamo being one of the worst-hit areas.

The town of Bergamo, which has a population of around 120,000, has been overwhelmed by the number of deaths. According to reports, the town's cemetery has been working around the clock to bury the deceased, with coffins being buried every 30 minutes. This is a staggering number, and it's a testament to the devastating impact of the pandemic on the town and its people.

The situation is so dire that the town's mayor, Giorgio Gori, has called for international help, saying that the town is "at the limit" and needs assistance to cope with the crisis. The Italian government has also deployed military personnel to help with the burials and other tasks.

It's heartbreaking to think about the families who have lost loved ones and the community that is struggling to cope with the loss. The situation in Italy is a stark reminder of the global impact of the pandemic and the need for continued efforts to combat it.

Here are some ways you can help:

  1. Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments on the pandemic.
  2. Support affected communities: Consider donating to organizations that are providing aid to affected communities, such as the Red Cross or local charities.
  3. Practice social distancing: Continue to follow public health guidelines and practice social distancing to help slow the spread of the virus.
  4. Advocate for global cooperation: Encourage your leaders to work together to combat the pandemic and support affected countries.

Remember, we are all in this together, and every effort counts.