Coronavirus: actor aki introduces new form of greetings

I think there may be some confusion here!

Aki is a Japanese actor, but I'm not aware of him introducing a new form of greetings related to the coronavirus. In fact, the coronavirus pandemic has led to a global health crisis, and people have been advised to maintain social distancing and follow various guidelines to prevent the spread of the virus.

Instead of introducing new greetings, people have been encouraged to adopt alternative ways of greeting each other, such as:

  1. Waving or nodding instead of shaking hands or hugging.
  2. Using verbal greetings like "hello" or "hi" instead of physical contact.
  3. Using gestures like elbow bumps or fist bumps instead of handshakes.
  4. Avoiding close contact and maintaining a safe distance from others.

These alternative greetings are designed to reduce the risk of transmission while still showing respect and friendliness towards others.

If you have any further information or context about Aki's new form of greetings, I'd be happy to help clarify!