Corey lewandowski news

Corey Lewandowski, a former campaign manager for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, has been involved in several controversies and news stories over the years. Here are some recent news articles and updates about Corey Lewandowski:

  1. FBI Investigation: In 2017, Lewandowski was investigated by the FBI for his role in the Trump campaign's alleged obstruction of justice. He was questioned by the FBI about his interactions with then-FBI Director James Comey and his involvement in the firing of Comey.
  2. Book Deal: In 2018, Lewandowski signed a book deal with HarperCollins to write a memoir about his time in the Trump campaign. The book, titled "Let Trump Be Trump: The Inside Story of His Rise to the Presidency," was published in 2017 and became a bestseller.
  3. CNN Lawsuit: In 2018, Lewandowski sued CNN for defamation over a report that he had physically assaulted a female reporter, Michelle Fields, during a campaign event in 2016. The lawsuit was settled out of court in 2020.
  4. Trump's Impeachment Defense: In 2020, Lewandowski was part of Trump's impeachment defense team during the president's impeachment trial. He testified in defense of Trump's actions and argued that the president did not abuse his power.
  5. Podcast and Media Appearances: Lewandowski has been a frequent guest on various podcasts and TV shows, including "The View," "Fox & Friends," and "The Daily Beast's" "The New Abnormal." He has also launched his own podcast, "The Corey Lewandowski Show," where he discusses politics and current events.
  6. 2020 Election: In the 2020 presidential election, Lewandowski was a vocal supporter of Trump's re-election campaign. He appeared at campaign events and rallies, and was a frequent presence on social media, where he promoted Trump's candidacy.
  7. Post-Election Controversies: After the 2020 election, Lewandowski was involved in several controversies, including a tweetstorm in which he claimed that the election was "rigged" and that Trump had actually won. He also appeared on TV shows and podcasts, where he made claims about voter fraud and election irregularities.

These are just a few examples of the news stories and controversies surrounding Corey Lewandowski in recent years.