Cordova new

The cordova command!

cordova new is a command used to create a new Cordova project. When you run cordova new, you'll be prompted to choose a project template and configure some basic settings.

Here's a breakdown of the options:

  1. Project template: You can choose from a variety of project templates, such as:
    • blank: A basic Cordova project with no plugins or platforms.
    • browser: A Cordova project that runs in a browser.
    • ios: A Cordova project that targets iOS devices.
    • android: A Cordova project that targets Android devices.
    • wp8: A Cordova project that targets Windows Phone 8 devices.
    • wp8.1: A Cordova project that targets Windows Phone 8.1 devices.
  2. Project name: You'll be asked to enter a name for your project.
  3. Project directory: You can choose the directory where your project will be created.
  4. Package name: For Android and iOS projects, you'll be asked to enter a package name (e.g., com.example.myapp).

Here's an example of how you might use the cordova new command:

cordova new myapp

This will create a new Cordova project called myapp with a basic template and no plugins or platforms.

If you want to create a project with a specific template, you can specify the template name as an option:

cordova new myapp --template browser

This will create a new Cordova project called myapp with a browser template.

Note that you'll need to have Node.js and the Cordova CLI installed on your system to use the cordova new command.