Copy wordpress site to new server

A common task! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to copy a WordPress site to a new server:

Before you start:

  1. Backup your site: Before moving your site, make sure to backup your WordPress site, including the database and files. You can use plugins like UpdraftPlus or Duplicator to create a backup.
  2. Update your WordPress core: Ensure your WordPress core is up-to-date, as this will help prevent any compatibility issues during the transfer process.
  3. Check your hosting provider: Verify that your new server meets the minimum requirements for running a WordPress site.

Step 1: Prepare your new server

  1. Set up a new server: Create a new server or virtual private server (VPS) with your preferred hosting provider.
  2. Install a web server: Install a web server software like Apache, Nginx, or Lighttpd, depending on your preference.
  3. Install PHP and MySQL: Install PHP and MySQL on your new server, ensuring they are compatible with your WordPress site.
  4. Create a database: Create a new database for your WordPress site on your new server.

Step 2: Transfer files

  1. Use FTP or SFTP: Use an FTP or SFTP client like FileZilla to connect to your old server and transfer the files to your new server.
  2. Transfer files recursively: Transfer all files, including the WordPress core, themes, plugins, and uploads, recursively to your new server.
  3. Update file permissions: Update file permissions to match the original server's settings.

Step 3: Transfer database

  1. Export database: Export your WordPress database from your old server using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool.
  2. Import database: Import the database into your new server's MySQL database using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool.

Step 4: Update WordPress settings

  1. Update site URL: Update your WordPress site's URL in the wp_options table to reflect the new server's URL.
  2. Update database prefix: Update the database prefix in the wp_options table to match the new server's prefix (if different).
  3. Update theme and plugin files: Update the theme and plugin files to reflect the new server's file structure.

Step 5: Test your site

  1. Access your site: Access your site on the new server to ensure everything is working correctly.
  2. Test functionality: Test all functionality, including plugins, themes, and widgets, to ensure they are working as expected.

Additional tips:

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully copy your WordPress site to a new server.