Copy vtiger to new server

A popular CRM system!

To copy VTiger to a new server, you'll need to follow these steps:


  1. Backup your existing VTiger database: Use a database backup tool (e.g., phpMyAdmin, mysqldump) to create a backup of your VTiger database. This will ensure that you have a copy of all your data before moving it to the new server.
  2. Create a new VTiger installation: Install VTiger on the new server. You can download the latest version from the official VTiger website.
  3. Configure the new server: Set up the new server with the same PHP version, MySQL version, and other dependencies as your existing server.

Copying the database

  1. Export the database: Use a database export tool (e.g., phpMyAdmin, mysqldump) to export the VTiger database from your existing server. You can export the database as a SQL file or as a compressed file (e.g., SQL dump).
  2. Import the database: Use a database import tool (e.g., phpMyAdmin, mysqldump) to import the exported database into the new server. Make sure to select the correct database name and credentials.

Copying the files

  1. Copy the VTiger files: Copy the entire VTiger directory (including all files and subdirectories) from your existing server to the new server. You can use FTP, SFTP, or a file transfer tool like WinSCP.
  2. Update the configuration files: Update the file in the new server to reflect the new server's settings, such as the database connection details.

Final steps

  1. Update the database connection: Update the file to reflect the new database connection details.
  2. Test the installation: Test the VTiger installation on the new server to ensure that everything is working as expected.

Additional tips

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully copy VTiger to a new server.