Cooperative societies new health insurance scheme

Cooperative societies have been exploring new ways to provide health insurance to their members, and a cooperative health insurance scheme can be a great way to achieve this. Here's a potential outline for a cooperative health insurance scheme:


  1. To provide affordable and comprehensive health insurance coverage to members of the cooperative society.
  2. To promote health and wellness among members by encouraging preventive care and early detection of health issues.
  3. To reduce the financial burden of healthcare expenses on members and their families.

Key Features:

  1. Membership: The scheme will be open to all members of the cooperative society, including their families and dependents.
  2. Premium Structure: The premium structure will be based on a tiered system, with different rates for different age groups, family sizes, and income levels.
  3. Coverage: The scheme will provide coverage for a range of healthcare services, including:
    • In-patient care (hospitalization)
    • Out-patient care (consultations, diagnostic tests, and medications)
    • Preventive care (vaccinations, health check-ups, and screenings)
    • Maternity care
    • Dental care
    • Optical care
  4. Network of Providers: The scheme will have a network of healthcare providers, including hospitals, clinics, and medical professionals, who will provide services to members at discounted rates.
  5. Claims Process: Members will need to submit claims for healthcare expenses incurred, which will be processed and paid by the cooperative society.
  6. Exclusions: The scheme will have certain exclusions, such as pre-existing conditions, cosmetic procedures, and experimental treatments.
  7. Renewal and Cancellation: Members can renew their coverage annually, and cancellation will be allowed with a 30-day notice period.


  1. Affordability: The scheme will provide affordable health insurance coverage to members, with premiums that are lower than those offered by commercial insurance companies.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: The scheme will provide comprehensive coverage for a range of healthcare services, including preventive care and maternity care.
  3. Network of Providers: The scheme will have a network of healthcare providers, which will give members access to quality healthcare services at discounted rates.
  4. Claims Process: The scheme will have a streamlined claims process, which will make it easy for members to get their healthcare expenses reimbursed.
  5. Exclusions: The scheme will have certain exclusions, which will help to keep premiums low and ensure that the scheme remains financially sustainable.


  1. Funding: The scheme will require significant funding to cover the costs of healthcare expenses, which may be a challenge for the cooperative society.
  2. Risk Management: The scheme will need to manage the risk of healthcare expenses, which may be higher than expected.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: The scheme will need to comply with relevant regulations and laws, which may be a challenge for the cooperative society.
  4. Member Engagement: The scheme will need to engage members and encourage them to use the scheme, which may be a challenge.


A cooperative health insurance scheme can be a great way for cooperative societies to provide affordable and comprehensive health insurance coverage to their members. However, it will require careful planning, risk management, and regulatory compliance to ensure the scheme's success.