Convert songs in new itunes

Converting songs in new iTunes! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you convert your songs:

Why convert songs in iTunes?

Converting songs in iTunes is useful when:

  1. You want to change the file format of your songs (e.g., from MP3 to AAC or vice versa).
  2. You want to remove DRM (Digital Rights Management) protection from songs purchased from the iTunes Store.
  3. You want to convert songs to a format compatible with a specific device or player.

How to convert songs in new iTunes:

  1. Open iTunes: Launch the new iTunes app on your Mac or PC.
  2. Select the song(s) you want to convert: In the iTunes library, select the song(s) you want to convert by clicking on them.
  3. Right-click (or Control-click) on the selected song(s): This will open a context menu.
  4. Choose "Convert to": From the context menu, select "Convert to" (or "Convert Selection" in older versions of iTunes).
  5. Choose the desired format: In the "Convert to" window, select the format you want to convert your song(s) to. Common formats include:
    • MP3
    • AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
    • ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
    • WAV
    • AIFF
  6. Choose the quality settings: Depending on the format you choose, you may be able to adjust the quality settings, such as bitrate or sample rate.
  7. Click "Create": Click the "Create" button to start the conversion process.
  8. Wait for the conversion to complete: The conversion process may take a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the size and complexity of the song(s) and the speed of your computer.
  9. Verify the converted song(s): Once the conversion is complete, you can verify that the song(s) have been converted successfully by checking the file format and quality settings.

Tips and considerations: