Convert lara george new day to mp4

I'd be happy to help you with that!

Lara George's song "New Day" is a popular gospel song, and I can help you convert it to an MP4 file. However, I need to clarify a few things:

  1. Audio file format: "New Day" is an audio file, and it's not possible to convert it directly to an MP4 file. MP4 is a video file format, and it requires video content to be converted.
  2. Video content: To create an MP4 file, we need to add video content to the audio file. This can be done by creating a music video or using a static image with the audio playing in the background.

Here are a few options to consider:

Option 1: Create a music video

You can create a music video by:

Option 2: Use a static image with audio

You can use a static image with the audio playing in the background. This can be done by:

Option 3: Convert to a different audio format

If you don't want to create a music video or use a static image, you can convert the audio file to a different format, such as MP3 or WAV. This will allow you to play the audio file on devices that support these formats.

Let me know which option you prefer, and I can provide more detailed instructions or recommendations.