Convert a string to a new string in javascript

A simple one!

In JavaScript, you can convert a string to a new string using various methods. Here are a few examples:

  1. Concatenation: You can concatenate two strings using the + operator.
    const originalString = "Hello";
    const newString = originalString + " World";
    console.log(newString); // Output: "Hello World"
  2. Template Literals: You can use template literals to create a new string by concatenating strings and variables.
    const originalString = "Hello";
    const name = "John";
    const newString = `${originalString} ${name}`;
    console.log(newString); // Output: "Hello John"
  3. String.prototype.concat(): You can use the concat() method to concatenate two strings.
    const originalString = "Hello";
    const newString = originalString.concat(" World");
    console.log(newString); // Output: "Hello World"
  4. String.prototype.replace(): You can use the replace() method to replace a part of the original string with a new string.
    const originalString = "Hello World";
    const newString = originalString.replace("World", "Earth");
    console.log(newString); // Output: "Hello Earth"
  5. String.prototype.substring(): You can use the substring() method to extract a part of the original string and create a new string.
    const originalString = "Hello World";
    const newString = originalString.substring(6); // Extract from index 6 to the end
    console.log(newString); // Output: " World"

    These are just a few examples of how you can convert a string to a new string in JavaScript. The choice of method depends on the specific use case and the desired outcome.