Controversial questions for new mums

The joys of motherhood! Here are some controversial questions that might spark interesting discussions among new mums:


  1. Should breastfeeding be mandatory in public spaces?
  2. Do you think formula feeding is a viable alternative to breastfeeding, or is it a cop-out?
  3. How do you feel about the stigma surrounding breastfeeding in public?

Parenting Styles

  1. Do you think attachment parenting is the best approach, or is it too permissive?
  2. Should parents be allowed to spank their children, or is it a form of child abuse?
  3. How do you feel about the "helicopter parent" phenomenon – is it necessary or overbearing?

Sleep and Routine

  1. Do you think it's necessary to establish a strict sleep routine for newborns, or is it too rigid?
  2. Should parents prioritize their own sleep or sacrifice it for their baby's needs?
  3. How do you feel about co-sleeping – is it safe or a recipe for disaster?

Body Image and Self-Care

  1. Do you think new mums should prioritize their physical appearance, or is it unrealistic?
  2. How do you feel about the pressure to "bounce back" after childbirth – is it achievable or unfair?
  3. Should mums prioritize self-care, or is it selfish to focus on personal needs during this time?

Social Media and Parenting

  1. Do you think social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook perpetuate unrealistic parenting expectations?
  2. Should parents be allowed to share their personal struggles and failures online, or is it too vulnerable?
  3. How do you feel about the impact of social media on parenting – is it a positive or negative influence?

Work-Life Balance

  1. Do you think mums should prioritize their careers or focus on childcare – is it possible to balance both?
  2. Should employers offer more flexible work arrangements for new mums, or is it a privilege?
  3. How do you feel about the societal pressure to choose between career and family – is it unfair or necessary?

Child Development and Discipline

  1. Do you think mums should prioritize discipline and structure, or is it too rigid?
  2. Should parents use time-outs as a discipline technique, or is it ineffective?
  3. How do you feel about the importance of play-based learning – is it essential or overemphasized?

Remember, these questions are meant to spark interesting discussions and debates, not to offend or judge. Every mum has her own unique experiences and opinions, and that's what makes motherhood so beautiful!