Contractor allegedly defrauds a client of n4 8m in lagos

It's unfortunate to hear that a contractor allegedly defrauded a client of N4.8 million in Lagos. Here's a possible news article based on the information provided:

Contractor Allegedly Defrauds Client of N4.8 Million in Lagos

A contractor has been accused of defrauding a client of N4.8 million in Lagos. The alleged fraud occurred when the contractor, who was hired to carry out a construction project, failed to deliver the project as agreed upon and instead made off with the payment.

According to sources, the client, a resident of Lagos, hired the contractor to build a new house in the state. The contractor was paid N4.8 million upfront, but failed to deliver the project as agreed upon. The client reported the matter to the police, who are currently investigating the case.

The police have arrested the contractor and are holding him in custody pending further investigation. The client has also filed a complaint with the Lagos State Ministry of Justice, seeking compensation for the loss.

This incident highlights the need for clients to be cautious when hiring contractors and to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the terms of the contract. It also underscores the importance of reporting any suspected cases of fraud to the authorities.

The police have promised to leave no stone unturned in their investigation and to ensure that the contractor is brought to justice. The case is still ongoing, and it is expected that the outcome will be a significant blow to the contractor's reputation and a warning to others who may be considering similar fraudulent activities.

In the meantime, the client is left to pick up the pieces and try to recover from the financial loss. It is a painful reminder of the importance of doing due diligence when hiring contractors and the need for vigilance in protecting one's interests.


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Note: This is a fictional news article and any resemblance to real events or individuals is purely coincidental.