Contents of new hire packet

A new hire packet, also known as an onboarding package, is a collection of documents and information that a new employee receives when they start a new job. The contents of a new hire packet may vary depending on the company, industry, and job role, but here are some common items that are typically included:

  1. Employee Handbook: A comprehensive guide that outlines company policies, procedures, and expectations.
  2. Job Description: A detailed document that outlines the employee's job responsibilities, duties, and expectations.
  3. Benefits Information: A summary of the company's benefits package, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks.
  4. Payroll Information: Details about the employee's pay schedule, pay rate, and any deductions that will be taken from their paycheck.
  5. Company History and Culture: An overview of the company's history, mission, values, and culture.
  6. Employee Expectations: A document that outlines the company's expectations for employee behavior, attendance, and performance.
  7. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement: A form that requires employees to agree to keep confidential company information and intellectual property.
  8. Tax Forms: Forms such as W-4 and I-9 that are required by law for new employees.
  9. Company Policies: A summary of the company's policies on topics such as harassment, discrimination, and workplace safety.
  10. Emergency Contact Information: A form that requires employees to provide emergency contact information.
  11. Health and Safety Information: A document that outlines the company's health and safety policies and procedures.
  12. Employee Recognition and Rewards: Information about the company's recognition and reward programs for employees.
  13. Training and Development Opportunities: A summary of the company's training and development programs and opportunities for employee growth.
  14. Company Directory: A list of key contacts and department heads within the company.
  15. New Hire Checklist: A checklist that outlines the tasks and responsibilities that the new employee needs to complete during their first few weeks on the job.
  16. Welcome Letter: A personalized letter from the company's leadership or HR department welcoming the new employee and providing an overview of the onboarding process.
  17. Company Swag: A packet of company-branded items such as pens, notebooks, and water bottles to help the new employee feel part of the team.
  18. IT and Technology Information: Information about the company's IT systems, software, and technology policies.
  19. Security and Access Information: Information about the company's security policies and procedures, including access to sensitive areas and systems.
  20. Onboarding Schedule: A schedule outlining the new employee's onboarding activities and milestones over the first few weeks on the job.

Remember that the contents of a new hire packet may vary depending on the company and the specific job role. The goal of the packet is to provide new employees with a comprehensive overview of the company and their role within it, and to help them get started quickly and successfully.