Content analysis of news articles with nvivo

A great topic!

Content analysis is a research method used to analyze and interpret the meaning of text data, such as news articles, social media posts, or documents. NVivo is a popular software tool used for qualitative data analysis, including content analysis. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a content analysis of news articles using NVivo:


  1. Select the news articles: Choose the news articles you want to analyze. You can use a specific search query, date range, or topic to select the articles.
  2. Download the articles: Save the articles in a format that NVivo can read, such as PDF, Word, or plain text.
  3. Create a coding scheme: Develop a coding scheme to guide your analysis. This will help you identify and categorize the themes, concepts, and patterns in the articles.

Importing the data into NVivo

  1. Create a new project: Open NVivo and create a new project.
  2. Import the articles: Go to "File" > "Import" > "Text" and select the articles you downloaded. You can import multiple articles at once.
  3. Organize the data: Organize the articles into a hierarchical structure, such as by date, topic, or author.

Coding and analysis

  1. Start coding: Begin coding the articles using your coding scheme. You can use NVivo's coding tools, such as coding frames, to help you organize your codes.
  2. Use coding frames: Create coding frames to group related codes together. For example, you can create a coding frame for "Themes" and sub-frames for "Economic," "Political," and "Social" themes.
  3. Apply codes: Apply codes to specific sections or sentences in the articles. You can use NVivo's highlighting feature to highlight the coded text.
  4. Analyze the data: Analyze the coded data to identify patterns, themes, and relationships between codes.
  5. Use memoing: Use memoing to record your thoughts, reflections, and insights about the data. This helps you to keep track of your analysis and identify areas that require further exploration.

Visualizing the data

  1. Use node maps: Create node maps to visualize the relationships between codes and themes. Node maps help you to identify patterns and connections between different codes.
  2. Use matrix coding: Use matrix coding to analyze the relationships between different codes and themes. Matrix coding helps you to identify patterns and relationships between different codes.
  3. Use word clouds: Use word clouds to visualize the most frequently used words or phrases in the articles. Word clouds can help you to identify key themes and concepts.

Reporting and dissemination

  1. Write a report: Write a report summarizing your findings, including the coding scheme, coding decisions, and analysis.
  2. Use NVivo's reporting tools: Use NVivo's reporting tools, such as the "Summary" and "Coding" reports, to generate reports and visualizations of your data.
  3. Disseminate your findings: Disseminate your findings through academic papers, presentations, or reports.

By following these steps, you can conduct a comprehensive content analysis of news articles using NVivo. Remember to carefully plan your coding scheme, organize your data, and analyze your findings to ensure a thorough and accurate analysis.