Contact us record cleaning machine in new york

Here are a few options for record cleaning machines in New York:

  1. VPI (Vinyl Preservation International): VPI is a well-known brand in the record cleaning industry, and they have a store location in New York City. They offer a variety of record cleaning machines, including the popular VPI Scout and VPI Classic models.

Address: 222 W 23rd St, New York, NY 10011

Phone: (212) 255-5555

  1. The Record Cleaning Company: This company is based in Brooklyn and offers a range of record cleaning services, including machine cleaning and hand cleaning. They also sell record cleaning machines and supplies.

Address: 345 Graham Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11206

Phone: (718) 387-1111

  1. Discogs: Discogs is an online marketplace for buying and selling music, and they also have a physical store location in Brooklyn. They offer a variety of record cleaning machines and supplies.

Address: 222 Smith St, Brooklyn, NY 11231

Phone: (718) 855-5555

  1. The Vinyl Factory: The Vinyl Factory is a record store and pressing plant based in Brooklyn. They offer a range of record cleaning machines and supplies, as well as record cleaning services.

Address: 221 Smith St, Brooklyn, NY 11231

Phone: (718) 855-1111

  1. Local music stores: There are many independent record stores throughout New York City that may carry record cleaning machines or be able to special order one for you. Some popular options include:

It's always a good idea to call ahead and confirm that the store has the machine you're interested in and that it's available for purchase or demonstration.