Contact tracing no fresh case of covid 19 as fg monitors 61 contacts

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Contact Tracing: No Fresh Case of COVID-19 as FG Monitors 61 Contacts

The Federal Government has announced that there are no fresh cases of COVID-19 reported in the country, as contact tracing efforts continue to yield positive results.

According to a statement released by the government, 61 contacts of previously confirmed cases have been identified and are currently being monitored. So far, none of these contacts have shown any symptoms of the virus, indicating that the spread of the disease has been contained.

The government's contact tracing efforts have been intensified in recent days, with health officials working around the clock to identify and monitor individuals who may have come into contact with confirmed cases.

The Minister of Health, [Minister's Name], commended the efforts of the contact tracing team, saying that their work has been instrumental in preventing the spread of the virus.

"We are pleased to report that our contact tracing efforts have been successful in identifying and monitoring individuals who may have been exposed to the virus," the Minister said. "This has helped to prevent further transmission of the disease and has given us confidence that we are on the right track in our efforts to contain the outbreak."

The government has also urged the public to continue taking precautions to prevent the spread of the virus, including washing their hands regularly, wearing masks in public, and avoiding close contact with others.

With no fresh cases reported, the government is hopeful that the outbreak will soon be brought under control. However, officials are warning that vigilance is still necessary and that the public must remain vigilant in their efforts to prevent the spread of the virus.

In the meantime, the government will continue to monitor the situation closely and take all necessary measures to protect the public's health.