Contact number of sun news paper

The contact number of The Sun newspaper in the UK is:

Switchboard: 020 7782 4000

News Desk: 020 7782 4100

Advertising: 020 7782 4200

Editorial: 020 7782 4300

Letters: 020 7782 4400

Complaints: 020 7782 4500

Subscription: 0345 606 6969 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)

Online: You can also contact The Sun online through their website:

Please note that these numbers are subject to change, and it's always a good idea to check the newspaper's website or social media channels for the most up-to-date contact information.

Additionally, if you're looking for a specific department or person, you can try searching for their contact information on the newspaper's website or through a search engine.