Contact news rescue online editor

Here are a few ways to contact a news rescue online editor:

  1. Email: Look for the "Contact Us" or "Submit a Tip" section on the news rescue website. Most online news organizations have an email address or a contact form where you can send your story idea or pitch.
  2. Social Media: Reach out to the online editor or the news rescue's social media team on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Many online editors are active on social media and may respond to your message.
  3. Phone: Check the news rescue's website or contact page for a phone number. Some online editors may be available to take calls or leave a voicemail.
  4. Online Form: Some news rescue websites have an online form where you can submit your story idea or pitch. This form may be available on the website's contact page or in the "About" section.
  5. Pitching Platform: Some online editors use pitching platforms like Muck Rack, Help a Reporter Out (HARO), or ProfNet to receive story pitches from journalists and sources.

Here's an example of a pitch email you could send to an online editor:

Subject: Story Pitch: [Your Story Idea]

Dear [Editor's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I'm reaching out to pitch a story idea to [News Rescue Website]. As a [Your Profession/Expertise], I've been following [News Rescue Website] and appreciate the quality of reporting you provide to your audience.

My story idea is [Briefly describe your story idea, including any relevant details or statistics]. I believe this story would resonate with your readers and provide valuable insights into [Topic].

I'd love the opportunity to discuss this idea further and provide any additional information you may need.

Thank you for considering my pitch. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Remember to research the online editor and the news rescue website before reaching out, and make sure your pitch is well-written, concise, and relevant to their audience.