Consumer protection council new name

The Consumer Protection Council (CPC) in Nigeria has been renamed the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC). This change was made in 2019, when the Consumer Protection Council Act was repealed and replaced with the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission Act.

The FCCPC is responsible for promoting and protecting the interests of consumers in Nigeria, as well as ensuring fair competition in the market. The commission has a wide range of powers and responsibilities, including:

  1. Investigating and addressing consumer complaints
  2. Enforcing consumer protection laws and regulations
  3. Promoting fair competition and preventing anti-competitive practices
  4. Conducting market studies and research to identify consumer needs and concerns
  5. Providing education and awareness programs to inform consumers of their rights and responsibilities
  6. Collaborating with other government agencies and stakeholders to protect consumer interests

The FCCPC is headed by a Chairman, who is appointed by the President of Nigeria, and has a board of commissioners that includes representatives from various sectors of the economy. The commission has offices in several states across Nigeria, and is headquartered in Abuja, the capital city.