Conservative news and opinion

Here are some popular conservative news and opinion sources:

News Sources:

  1. Fox News: A 24-hour cable news channel that provides conservative perspectives on current events.
  2. The Daily Caller: A news website that focuses on politics, business, and entertainment from a conservative viewpoint.
  3. The Washington Examiner: A news website that provides conservative coverage of politics, policy, and culture.
  4. The Daily Signal: A news website that focuses on conservative issues and policy solutions.
  5. Newsmax: A news website that provides conservative coverage of politics, news, and opinion.

Opinion Sources:

  1. National Review: A conservative magazine that features opinion pieces, editorials, and commentary on politics, culture, and society.
  2. The Federalist: A conservative online magazine that features opinion pieces, commentary, and analysis on politics, culture, and society.
  3. RedState: A conservative blog that features opinion pieces, commentary, and analysis on politics, culture, and society.
  4. Townhall: A conservative news and opinion website that features commentary, analysis, and opinion pieces on politics, culture, and society.
  5. The Conservative Review: A conservative news and opinion website that features commentary, analysis, and opinion pieces on politics, culture, and society.

Columnists and Commentators:

  1. Rush Limbaugh: A conservative radio host and commentator who is known for his outspoken opinions on politics and culture.
  2. Sean Hannity: A conservative radio host and commentator who is known for his opinions on politics, culture, and current events.
  3. Mark Levin: A conservative radio host and commentator who is known for his opinions on politics, culture, and current events.
  4. Ann Coulter: A conservative author and commentator who is known for her opinions on politics, culture, and current events.
  5. Ben Shapiro: A conservative author and commentator who is known for his opinions on politics, culture, and current events.

Think Tanks:

  1. The Heritage Foundation: A conservative think tank that focuses on policy research and analysis on issues such as economics, national security, and education.
  2. The Cato Institute: A libertarian think tank that focuses on policy research and analysis on issues such as economics, civil liberties, and foreign policy.
  3. The American Enterprise Institute (AEI): A conservative think tank that focuses on policy research and analysis on issues such as economics, national security, and education.
  4. The Hoover Institution: A conservative think tank that focuses on policy research and analysis on issues such as economics, national security, and education.
  5. The Manhattan Institute: A conservative think tank that focuses on policy research and analysis on issues such as economics, education, and urban policy.

Please note that while these sources are considered conservative, they may not always align with your personal beliefs or opinions. It's always important to consider multiple perspectives and sources when forming your own opinions.