Consensus 2018 summit in new york

The Consensus 2018 summit was a blockchain and cryptocurrency conference held on May 14-16, 2018, at the Hilton Midtown in New York City. The event was organized by Coindesk, a leading digital currency news and information site.

The Consensus 2018 summit brought together over 8,000 attendees from around the world, including investors, entrepreneurs, developers, and industry experts. The event featured a wide range of topics, including blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, fintech, and digital assets.

Some of the key highlights from the Consensus 2018 summit include:

  1. Keynote speakers: The event featured keynote speeches from prominent figures in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, including Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, Bitcoin Cash developer Roger Ver, and Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire.
  2. Panel discussions: The summit included panel discussions on various topics, such as the future of cryptocurrency, blockchain regulation, and the use of blockchain technology in industries such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.
  3. Startup showcase: The event featured a startup showcase, where over 100 blockchain and cryptocurrency startups showcased their products and services.
  4. Networking opportunities: The summit provided numerous networking opportunities, including a networking reception and a hackathon.
  5. Awards ceremony: The event included an awards ceremony, where winners were announced in categories such as "Best Blockchain Project" and "Best Cryptocurrency Exchange".

Some of the notable announcements and developments that emerged from the Consensus 2018 summit include:

  1. Ethereum's Constantinople hard fork: The summit saw the announcement of Ethereum's Constantinople hard fork, which aimed to improve the network's scalability and security.
  2. Bitcoin Cash's ABC fork: The event also saw the announcement of Bitcoin Cash's ABC fork, which aimed to improve the network's scalability and usability.
  3. Coinbase's institutional trading platform: Coinbase announced the launch of its institutional trading platform, which aimed to provide institutional investors with a secure and compliant way to trade cryptocurrencies.
  4. Circle's acquisition of Poloniex: Circle announced its acquisition of Poloniex, a popular cryptocurrency exchange.

Overall, the Consensus 2018 summit was a significant event in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, providing a platform for industry leaders and experts to share their insights and showcase their products and services.