Conoravirus imf world bank to hold 2020 spring meetings virtually

You're referring to the COVID-19 pandemic and the decision by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to hold their 2020 Spring Meetings virtually.

Yes, that's correct. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the IMF and World Bank announced in March 2020 that they would be holding their 2020 Spring Meetings virtually, instead of in person. The meetings were originally scheduled to take place in Washington, D.C. from April 16-19, 2020.

The decision to hold the meetings virtually was made to prioritize the health and safety of participants, as well as to minimize the risk of transmission of the virus. The virtual format allowed for the continuation of the meetings, which are an important platform for global economic leaders to discuss key issues and make decisions on international economic policy.

The 2020 Spring Meetings were held from April 20-24, 2020, and featured a range of virtual events, including policy discussions, seminars, and press conferences. The meetings focused on key issues such as the global economic outlook, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need for international cooperation to address the crisis.

The IMF and World Bank have continued to hold virtual meetings and events throughout the pandemic, and have also implemented various measures to support countries affected by the crisis, including providing financial assistance and policy advice.