Conor gallagher can be the next gilmour for chelsea curbishley

An interesting comparison!

Conor Gallagher, a talented young midfielder, has been making waves in the football world, and some fans have drawn parallels between him and Chelsea legend, David Gilmour. While it's premature to say he'll be the next Gilmour, let's explore the similarities and potential reasons why fans might make this comparison.


  1. Midfield dynamism: Both Gilmour and Gallagher are known for their energetic and dynamic playmaking abilities in midfield. They're comfortable controlling the tempo of the game, creating chances, and scoring goals.
  2. Vision and creativity: Both players possess exceptional vision, allowing them to pick out passes and create opportunities for their teammates. They're also skilled at finding space and exploiting defensive weaknesses.
  3. Goal-scoring threat: Both Gilmour and Gallagher have a knack for scoring important goals, which adds an extra dimension to their midfield play.

Why fans might compare them:

  1. Chelsea legacy: Gilmour is a Chelsea legend, and fans might see similarities between him and Gallagher, who is also a product of the Chelsea academy.
  2. Midfield versatility: Both players have played in various midfield roles, showcasing their adaptability and ability to adjust to different formations and opponents.
  3. Potential for greatness: Fans might see Gallagher as a player with the potential to become a Chelsea great, just like Gilmour, and are excited to see him develop and make a similar impact on the team.

However, there are also some key differences:

  1. Style of play: Gilmour was known for his more direct, physical approach, while Gallagher is more of a technical, creative player.
  2. Experience: Gilmour had a longer, more established career, with over 500 appearances for Chelsea and the England national team. Gallagher is still developing and has fewer games under his belt.
  3. Position: While both players have played in midfield, Gilmour was often deployed as a more defensive-minded player, whereas Gallagher is more of an attacking midfielder.

In conclusion, while Conor Gallagher shares some similarities with David Gilmour, it's unfair to say he'll be the next Gilmour without considering the differences in their playing styles, experiences, and positions. Gallagher has the potential to become a great player in his own right, and fans are excited to see him continue to develop and make an impact for Chelsea.