Connecting single phase power surge arrestor & circuit breaker

A very important question!

When connecting a single-phase power surge arrestor to a circuit breaker, it's crucial to ensure a safe and proper installation to protect your equipment and people from electrical hazards. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you do it correctly:

Before you start:

  1. Check the surge arrestor's rating: Ensure the surge arrestor is rated for the same voltage and current as your circuit breaker.
  2. Verify the circuit breaker's type: Make sure the circuit breaker is a single-pole or double-pole breaker, depending on the surge arrestor's configuration.

Connection steps:

  1. Identify the surge arrestor's terminals: Locate the surge arrestor's terminals, usually marked as "L" (line) and "N" (neutral) or "L1" and "N" (for 3-phase applications).
  2. Connect the surge arrestor to the circuit breaker:
    • For a single-pole circuit breaker: Connect the surge arrestor's "L" terminal to the circuit breaker's hot (black) wire and the "N" terminal to the circuit breaker's neutral (white) wire.
    • For a double-pole circuit breaker: Connect the surge arrestor's "L1" terminal to one of the circuit breaker's hot wires (black), and the "L2" terminal (if present) to the other hot wire. Connect the "N" terminal to the circuit breaker's neutral wire (white).
  3. Secure the connections: Use wire nuts or connectors to secure the connections. Make sure they are tight and won't come loose over time.
  4. Verify the connections: Double-check that the connections are correct and secure.

Additional considerations:

  1. Grounding: Ensure the surge arrestor is properly grounded to the electrical system's grounding point (e.g., a grounding rod or a grounding bus).
  2. Surge arrestor orientation: If the surge arrestor has a specific orientation (e.g., "L" terminal facing up), ensure it's installed correctly.
  3. Circuit breaker rating: Verify that the circuit breaker is rated for the same current as the surge arrestor.
  4. Surge arrestor maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain the surge arrestor to ensure it remains effective in protecting your equipment.

By following these steps and considering the additional factors, you'll be able to safely connect your single-phase power surge arrestor to your circuit breaker, providing protection for your equipment and people from electrical surges and spikes.