Congress begins russia hacking probe trump still skeptical of u s intelligence #

Here's a summary of the article:

The US Congress has launched an investigation into Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election, but President Trump remains skeptical of the intelligence community's findings. The probe, led by the House Intelligence Committee, aims to uncover the extent of Russian meddling and potential ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Despite the investigation, Trump has continued to express doubts about the intelligence community's conclusions, claiming that the hacking was a "witch hunt" and that there is no evidence of collusion between his campaign and Russia. This stance has sparked concerns among lawmakers and intelligence officials, who argue that Trump's skepticism undermines the credibility of the investigation and the integrity of the US intelligence agencies.

The investigation is expected to focus on several key areas, including:

  1. Russian hacking: The committee will examine the extent of Russian hacking and the methods used to infiltrate the Democratic National Committee's servers.
  2. Trump campaign ties: The probe will investigate any potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials or entities, including the infamous Trump Tower meeting between Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer.
  3. Intelligence agencies: The committee will review the intelligence agencies' handling of the hacking and any potential biases or political motivations that may have influenced their conclusions.

The investigation is expected to be a lengthy and complex process, with multiple hearings and interviews scheduled in the coming weeks.