Congratulations in italian new baby
Here are a few ways to say "Congratulations on the new baby" in Italian:
- "Auguri per il nuovo bambino!" (Ah-goo-ree per il new-oo bahm-bee-noh) - This is a more formal way to say congratulations.
- "Tanti auguri per il bebè!" (Tahn-tee Ah-goo-ree per il beh-beh) - This is a more informal way to say congratulations, and "bebè" is a common Italian term for baby.
- "Felicitazioni per il nuovo arrivo!" (Fay-lee-chah-tee-tsee-oh-nee per il new-oo ah-ree-voh) - This means "Congratulations on the new arrival!"
- "Buon arrivo al mondo!" (Bwohn ah-ree-voh ahl mohn-doh) - This means "Welcome to the world!" and is a way to congratulate the new parents on the arrival of their baby.
You could also say:
- "Complimenti per il nuovo bambino!" (Kohm-plee-mee-tee-oh per il new-oo bahm-bee-noh) - This means "Congratulations on the new baby!"
- "Speriamo che il nuovo bambino sia felice e sano!" (Speer-ah-moh-peh keh il new-oo bahm-bee-noh see-ah feh-lee-cheh eh sah-noh) - This means "We hope the new baby is happy and healthy!"
I hope these help!