Congrats on new baby in arabic

Here are a few ways to congratulate someone on a new baby in Arabic:

  1. مبروك على الولادة الجديدة! (Mabrook 'ala al-waladah al-jadidah!) - Congratulations on the new birth!
  2. تكلّم الله عليكم بالبركة! (Tukallim Allah 'alaykum bil-barakah!) - May God bless you with blessings!
  3. مبروك على وصول الجديد! (Mabrook 'ala wasl al-jadid!) - Congratulations on the arrival of the new one!
  4. الله يبارك لكم ولديكم! (Allah yabarak lakum wa waldikum!) - May God bless you and your child!
  5. تبارك الله لكم ولديكم! (Tubarak Allah lakum wa waldikum!) - May God bless you and your child!

Note: In Arabic, the phrase "مبروك" (Mabrook) is a common way to congratulate someone on a happy occasion, and it is often used to congratulate someone on the birth of a child.