Configure new azure sql server

Here's a step-by-step guide to configuring a new Azure SQL Server:


  1. An Azure subscription
  2. The Azure portal (
  3. A resource group (if you don't have one, create a new one)

Step 1: Create a new Azure SQL Server

  1. Log in to the Azure portal and navigate to the "Create a resource" page.
  2. Search for "SQL Server" and select "Azure SQL Server" from the results.
  3. Click on "Create" to start the creation process.
  4. Fill in the required information:
    • Subscription: Select your Azure subscription.
    • Resource group: Select the resource group where you want to create the SQL Server.
    • Server name: Enter a unique name for your SQL Server.
    • Server admin login: Enter the login credentials for your SQL Server administrator.
    • Password: Enter a strong password for your SQL Server administrator.
    • Location: Select the location where you want to create the SQL Server.
  5. Click on "Review + create" to review your configuration.
  6. Click on "Create" to create the SQL Server.

Step 2: Configure the SQL Server

  1. Once the SQL Server is created, navigate to the "Overview" page.
  2. Click on "Configure" to access the SQL Server configuration page.
  3. Configure the following settings:
    • Server version: Select the desired SQL Server version (e.g., SQL Server 2019).
    • Database engine: Select the desired database engine (e.g., Azure SQL Database).
    • Storage: Select the desired storage option (e.g., Premium Storage).
    • Compute: Select the desired compute option (e.g., General Purpose).
  4. Click on "Save" to save your configuration changes.

Step 3: Create a new database

  1. Navigate to the "Databases" page.
  2. Click on "New database" to create a new database.
  3. Fill in the required information:
    • Database name: Enter a unique name for your database.
    • Edition: Select the desired database edition (e.g., Standard).
    • Collation: Select the desired collation (e.g., SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS).
  4. Click on "Create" to create the database.

Step 4: Configure firewall rules

  1. Navigate to the "Firewalls and virtual networks" page.
  2. Click on "Add client IP" to add a new firewall rule.
  3. Enter the IP address range or select "Any IP" to allow access from anywhere.
  4. Click on "Save" to save your firewall rule changes.

Step 5: Test your SQL Server

  1. Connect to your SQL Server using a tool like SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or Azure Data Studio.
  2. Run a simple query to test your connection (e.g., SELECT 1).

That's it! You have now configured a new Azure SQL Server.