Configure error utf8_mime2text has new signature

A pesky error!

The error "configure error: utf8_mime2text has new signature" typically occurs when you're trying to compile a software package that uses the utf8_mime2text function, which is part of the utf8 library.

The error message suggests that the utf8_mime2text function has changed its signature (i.e., its function prototype) in a way that's not compatible with the code that's trying to use it.

Here are a few possible solutions to resolve this error:

  1. Update the utf8 library: Make sure you have the latest version of the utf8 library installed. You can try updating the library using your package manager (e.g., apt-get on Ubuntu-based systems or yum on RPM-based systems).
  2. Recompile the software package: Try recompiling the software package that's giving you the error. This might fix any issues related to the changed function signature.
  3. Modify the code: If you have the source code for the software package, you can try modifying the code to match the new signature of the utf8_mime2text function. You can do this by updating the function call to match the new prototype.
  4. Use a different version of the software package: If none of the above solutions work, you might need to try using a different version of the software package that's compatible with the utf8 library version you have installed.

Here's an example of how you might modify the code to match the new signature:

// Original code:
int utf8_mime2text(MIME *mime, char **text);

// Modified code:
int utf8_mime2text(MIME *mime, char **text, size_t *text_len);

In this example, the original code calls utf8_mime2text with two arguments, mime and text. The modified code adds a third argument, text_len, which is a size_t pointer that returns the length of the decoded text.

Remember to update the function call accordingly to match the new signature.