Conference wagner college new york

Wagner College is a private liberal arts college located in Staten Island, New York City. The college hosts various conferences and events throughout the year, covering a range of topics and fields. Here are some examples of conferences and events that have been held at Wagner College:

  1. Wagner College Conference on Sustainability: This annual conference brings together experts and practitioners to discuss the latest developments and best practices in sustainability, environmental science, and social responsibility.
  2. Wagner College Business and Economics Conference: This conference features presentations and panel discussions on topics such as entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, and international business.
  3. Wagner College Education Conference: This conference focuses on issues and innovations in education, including teacher training, curriculum development, and educational technology.
  4. Wagner College Health and Wellness Conference: This conference explores the latest research and best practices in health and wellness, including topics such as mental health, nutrition, and exercise science.
  5. Wagner College International Relations Conference: This conference brings together scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss global issues, international relations, and foreign policy.
  6. Wagner College Psychology and Neuroscience Conference: This conference features presentations and panel discussions on the latest research and developments in psychology and neuroscience.
  7. Wagner College Social Justice Conference: This conference explores issues related to social justice, including topics such as inequality, diversity, and human rights.
  8. Wagner College STEM Education Conference: This conference focuses on innovations and best practices in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.

These are just a few examples of the conferences and events that have been held at Wagner College. The college's conference schedule is subject to change, so it's best to check their website or contact their events team for the most up-to-date information.