Concept paper for new product idea sample template

Here is a sample template for a concept paper for a new product idea:

Product Concept Paper

Product Name: [Insert product name]

Product Category: [Insert product category (e.g. consumer electronics, home appliances, etc.)]

Executive Summary:

[Insert a brief summary of the product, its features, and its benefits. This should be a concise overview of the product and its value proposition.]

Problem Statement:

[Insert a description of the problem or need that the product addresses. This should highlight the pain points or challenges that the product solves.]

Product Description:

[Insert a detailed description of the product, including its features, functionality, and design. This should provide a comprehensive overview of the product and its capabilities.]

Target Market:

[Insert a description of the target market for the product, including demographics, psychographics, and market size. This should identify the specific audience that the product is designed for and the potential demand for the product.]

Competitive Analysis:

[Insert a description of the competitive landscape for the product, including existing products and companies that offer similar solutions. This should highlight the unique features and benefits of the product and how it differentiates itself from existing products.]

Marketing and Sales Strategy:

[Insert a description of the marketing and sales strategy for the product, including channels, tactics, and budget. This should outline how the product will be promoted and sold to the target market.]

Financial Projections:

[Insert financial projections for the product, including revenue, expenses, and profit margins. This should provide a detailed financial analysis of the product and its potential for success.]

Development Plan:

[Insert a description of the development plan for the product, including timelines, milestones, and resources. This should outline the steps necessary to bring the product to market.]


[Insert a summary of the product concept and its potential for success. This should reiterate the value proposition of the product and its potential to meet the needs of the target market.]


[Insert any additional information that supports the product concept, such as market research reports, product specifications, or technical drawings.]

Here is an example of what the concept paper might look like:

Product Concept Paper

Product Name: SmartHomeHub

Product Category: Home Automation

Executive Summary:

SmartHomeHub is a revolutionary new product that allows homeowners to control and monitor their home's lighting, temperature, and security systems remotely using a single, intuitive interface. With SmartHomeHub, homeowners can create customized scenes and routines, receive notifications and alerts, and even control their home's systems using voice commands.

Problem Statement:

Currently, homeowners have to use multiple devices and apps to control and monitor their home's systems, which can be confusing and inconvenient. SmartHomeHub solves this problem by providing a single, user-friendly interface that integrates all of a home's systems into one place.

Product Description:

SmartHomeHub is a sleek, compact device that can be placed anywhere in the home. It features a 7-inch touchscreen display and supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. The device is compatible with a wide range of home automation systems, including lighting, temperature, and security systems. SmartHomeHub also integrates with popular voice assistants, such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

Target Market:

SmartHomeHub is designed for homeowners who want to simplify their home automation experience and enjoy greater control and convenience. The target market includes homeowners who are interested in smart home technology and are willing to invest in a high-quality, user-friendly product.

Competitive Analysis:

SmartHomeHub differentiates itself from existing products by providing a single, integrated interface that supports multiple home automation systems. Other products on the market require homeowners to use multiple devices and apps, which can be confusing and inconvenient.

Marketing and Sales Strategy:

SmartHomeHub will be marketed through a combination of online and offline channels, including social media, email marketing, and targeted advertising. The product will be sold through a network of authorized retailers and online marketplaces.

Financial Projections:

SmartHomeHub is expected to generate significant revenue in the first year, with projected sales of $1 million. The product is expected to be profitable, with a projected profit margin of 30%.

Development Plan:

The development plan for SmartHomeHub includes the following milestones:


SmartHomeHub is a revolutionary new product that has the potential to simplify and streamline the home automation experience. With its user-friendly interface, compatibility with multiple home automation systems, and competitive pricing, SmartHomeHub is poised to capture a significant share of the smart home market.


Note that this is just a sample template, and you should customize your concept paper to fit your specific product and business needs.