Concept of new product development pdf

Here is a comprehensive PDF on the concept of new product development:

New Product Development (NPD) Concept

Definition: New Product Development (NPD) is the process of creating and introducing a new product or service to the market. It involves a series of stages, from idea generation to launch, to bring a new product to market.


  1. To create a new product that meets customer needs and preferences.
  2. To differentiate the product from existing products in the market.
  3. To achieve a competitive advantage in the market.
  4. To increase revenue and profitability.

Stages of NPD:

  1. Idea Generation: Identifying opportunities for new products or services.
  2. Concept Development: Defining the product concept, including its features, benefits, and target market.
  3. Product Design: Designing the product, including its architecture, components, and user interface.
  4. Prototype Development: Creating a prototype of the product to test its functionality and usability.
  5. Testing and Evaluation: Testing the product with customers and evaluating its performance.
  6. Launch Planning: Planning the launch of the product, including marketing and sales strategies.
  7. Post-Launch Review: Reviewing the product's performance after launch and making necessary adjustments.

Key Activities:

  1. Market Research: Conducting market research to understand customer needs and preferences.
  2. Product Design: Designing the product to meet customer needs and preferences.
  3. Prototype Development: Creating a prototype of the product to test its functionality and usability.
  4. Testing and Evaluation: Testing the product with customers and evaluating its performance.
  5. Launch Planning: Planning the launch of the product, including marketing and sales strategies.

Key Decisions:

  1. Product Concept: Deciding on the product concept, including its features, benefits, and target market.
  2. Product Design: Deciding on the product design, including its architecture, components, and user interface.
  3. Prototype Development: Deciding on the prototype development process and timeline.
  4. Testing and Evaluation: Deciding on the testing and evaluation process and timeline.
  5. Launch Planning: Deciding on the launch planning process and timeline.


  1. Time-to-Market: Meeting the time-to-market requirements while ensuring product quality and functionality.
  2. Cost: Managing the costs of NPD, including product design, prototype development, and testing.
  3. Risk: Managing the risks associated with NPD, including product failure and market rejection.
  4. Customer Feedback: Gathering and incorporating customer feedback into the NPD process.

Best Practices:

  1. Customer-Centric Approach: Focusing on customer needs and preferences throughout the NPD process.
  2. Collaboration: Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including marketing, sales, and engineering.
  3. Agile Methodologies: Using agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, to manage the NPD process.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Continuously improving the NPD process through feedback and iteration.


New Product Development is a critical process for companies to stay competitive and innovative in today's fast-paced market. By understanding the stages, key activities, key decisions, challenges, and best practices of NPD, companies can create new products that meet customer needs and preferences, and achieve a competitive advantage in the market.


  1. Cooper, R. G. (2001). Winning at New Products: Accelerating the Process from Idea to Launch. Perseus Books.
  2. Ulrich, K. T., & Eppinger, S. D. (2015). Product Design and Development. McGraw-Hill Education.
  3. Griffin, A., & Hauser, J. R. (1996). Integrating R&D and Marketing: A Review of the Literature and a Model for Product Development. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 13(3), 241-255.