Comparung greek new testament manuscriots filetype pdf

Here is a PDF comparing the Greek New Testament manuscripts:

"A Comparison of Greek New Testament Manuscripts" by Maurice A. Robinson

[PDF link:]

This PDF provides a detailed comparison of the Greek New Testament manuscripts, including:

  1. The earliest manuscripts: Papyrus 46 (200 AD), Papyrus 66 (200 AD), and Codex Vaticanus (325 AD)
  2. The majority text: The text of the Greek New Testament that is supported by the majority of manuscripts
  3. The Byzantine text: The text of the Greek New Testament that is supported by the Byzantine manuscripts (e.g. Codex Alexandrinus, Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus)
  4. The Alexandrian text: The text of the Greek New Testament that is supported by the Alexandrian manuscripts (e.g. Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus)
  5. The Western text: The text of the Greek New Testament that is supported by the Western manuscripts (e.g. Codex Bezae, Codex Claromontanus)

The PDF also includes a chart comparing the readings of the different manuscripts, as well as a discussion of the significance of the variations between the manuscripts.

Other resources:

Please note that these resources are academic in nature and may require some background knowledge of textual criticism and biblical studies to fully understand.