Comparism between old convenant and new convenant

The Old Covenant and the New Covenant are two distinct covenants or agreements between God and humanity, as described in the Bible. Here's a comparison between the two:

Old Covenant (Mosaic Covenant)

New Covenant (Covenant of Grace)

Key differences between the Old and New Covenants:

  1. Focus: The Old Covenant focused on external behavior and works, while the New Covenant focuses on internal transformation and faith.
  2. Parties: The Old Covenant was between God and the Israelites, while the New Covenant is between God and all people.
  3. Terms: The Old Covenant was based on works, while the New Covenant is based on faith in Jesus Christ.
  4. Characteristics: The Old Covenant was limited, temporary, and focused on external behavior, while the New Covenant is universal, eternal, and focused on internal transformation.
  5. Examples: The Old Covenant had examples of animal sacrifices and the institution of the priesthood, while the New Covenant has examples of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

In summary, the Old Covenant was a temporary arrangement between God and the Israelites, based on works and external behavior, while the New Covenant is an eternal arrangement between God and all people, based on faith in Jesus Christ and internal transformation.