Comparing new and old testament

A fascinating topic! Comparing the New Testament (NT) with the Old Testament (OT) reveals many interesting similarities and differences. Here are some key points to consider:


  1. God's character: Both testaments portray God as a loving, just, and merciful God who desires a relationship with humanity.
  2. Promise of salvation: Both testaments contain promises of salvation, with the OT focusing on God's deliverance from physical and spiritual slavery, and the NT emphasizing salvation through Jesus Christ.
  3. Covenant: Both testaments describe God's covenant with his people, with the OT focusing on the Mosaic Covenant and the NT emphasizing the New Covenant in Jesus Christ.
  4. Prophetic themes: Both testaments contain prophetic themes, such as the coming of a Messiah, the restoration of Israel, and the judgment of the wicked.


  1. Focus: The OT focuses on God's relationship with Israel, while the NT focuses on God's relationship with humanity through Jesus Christ.
  2. Law: The OT is characterized by the Mosaic Law, which was given to Israel through Moses. The NT, on the other hand, emphasizes the fulfillment of the Law through Jesus Christ.
  3. Types and shadows: The OT contains types and shadows of the Messiah, which are fulfilled in the NT. For example, the Passover lamb is a type of Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate Passover lamb.
  4. Historical context: The OT was written in a historical context of ancient Israel, while the NT was written in a historical context of the early Christian church.
  5. Language and style: The OT is written in a more formal, poetic style, while the NT is written in a more informal, conversational style.
  6. Theology: The OT emphasizes God's sovereignty and justice, while the NT emphasizes God's love and grace.
  7. Christology: The NT introduces a new understanding of God, with Jesus Christ being the central figure of the Christian faith. The OT does not explicitly mention Jesus Christ, but contains prophecies and types that point to his coming.

Key differences in themes:

  1. Salvation: The OT emphasizes salvation from physical and spiritual slavery, while the NT emphasizes salvation from sin and its consequences through Jesus Christ.
  2. The role of the Messiah: The OT predicts the coming of a Messiah who will deliver Israel, while the NT emphasizes the Messiah's role as the Savior of the world.
  3. The nature of God: The OT portrays God as a God of justice and wrath, while the NT portrays God as a God of love and mercy.
  4. The relationship between God and humanity: The OT emphasizes the distance between God and humanity, while the NT emphasizes the closeness and intimacy of the relationship between God and humanity through Jesus Christ.


The New Testament and Old Testament are two distinct yet interconnected parts of the Christian Bible. While they share many similarities, they also have significant differences in terms of focus, language, style, and theology. Understanding these differences is essential for a deeper appreciation of the Christian faith and its historical development.