Comparative politics today a worldview 9thedt new york pearson

A great textbook!

"Comparative Politics Today: A World View" by Gabriel A. Almond, G. Bingham Powell Jr., Russell J. Dalton, and Kaare Strøm is a widely used textbook in the field of comparative politics. The 9th edition, published by Pearson, provides an in-depth analysis of the political systems and processes of various countries around the world.

Here's an overview of the book's contents and features:

Part 1: Introduction to Comparative Politics

Part 2: Political Systems and Processes

Part 3: Comparative Politics in the World Today

Part 4: Country Studies

Part 5: Conclusion

The book's features include:

Overall, "Comparative Politics Today: A World View" is a valuable resource for students of comparative politics, political science, and international relations, as well as for scholars and practitioners seeking to understand the complexities of politics in a rapidly changing world.