Companies in the news for unethical practices

Here are some companies that have been in the news for unethical practices:

  1. Facebook: Cambridge Analytica scandal, data privacy concerns, and allegations of political bias in content moderation.
  2. WeWork: Controversy over its financial practices, including allegedly inflated valuations and questionable corporate governance.
  3. Uber: Investigations into its treatment of employees, including allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination.
  4. Wells Fargo: Scandal over its sales practices, including opening millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts.
  5. Enron: Energy company that filed for bankruptcy in 2001 after a massive accounting scandal.
  6. Tobacco companies: Lawsuits and regulatory actions against companies like Philip Morris, R.J. Reynolds, and Brown & Williamson for their role in the tobacco epidemic.
  7. Volkswagen: Emissions scandal, where the company was found to have installed software to cheat on emissions tests.
  8. Equifax: Data breach in 2017 that exposed sensitive information of millions of people.
  9. Amazon: Allegations of anti-competitive practices, including its treatment of third-party sellers and its acquisition of Whole Foods.
  10. Google: Investigations into its advertising practices, including allegations of manipulating search results and violating antitrust laws.
  11. Microsoft: Allegations of anti-competitive practices, including its treatment of competitors and its acquisition of LinkedIn.
  12. Apple: Investigations into its labor practices, including allegations of poor working conditions and exploitation of workers in its supply chain.
  13. Nike: Allegations of labor abuses, including poor working conditions and low wages in its supply chain.
  14. Coca-Cola: Allegations of environmental and social abuses, including pollution and exploitation of workers in its supply chain.
  15. Johnson & Johnson: Allegations of marketing and selling defective products, including talcum powder and hip implants.
  16. Merck: Allegations of marketing and selling defective products, including Vioxx, a painkiller that was linked to heart attacks and strokes.
  17. Pfizer: Allegations of marketing and selling defective products, including Celebrex, a painkiller that was linked to heart attacks and strokes.
  18. GlaxoSmithKline: Allegations of marketing and selling defective products, including Paxil, an antidepressant that was linked to birth defects.
  19. AstraZeneca: Allegations of marketing and selling defective products, including Seroquel, an antipsychotic that was linked to increased risk of stroke and death.
  20. Boeing: Investigations into its handling of the 737 MAX crisis, including allegations of prioritizing profits over safety.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other companies that have been involved in unethical practices. Additionally, it's important to note that companies can change and improve their practices over time, and some may have taken steps to address concerns and improve their behavior.