Commuter cleaning a new venture proposal

Here's a sample proposal for a new venture, "Commuter Cleaning", a cleaning service specifically designed for busy commuters:

Executive Summary

Commuter Cleaning is a innovative cleaning service that caters to the growing demand for convenient and reliable cleaning solutions for busy professionals. Our mission is to provide high-quality cleaning services that fit seamlessly into our customers' busy schedules, allowing them to focus on their careers and personal lives.

Market Analysis

The cleaning services industry is a growing market, with an estimated global value of $74 billion in 2020. The demand for cleaning services is driven by the increasing number of working professionals who have limited time to clean their homes and offices. Our target market is busy commuters who are looking for a reliable and convenient cleaning solution.


Commuter Cleaning will offer a range of services, including:

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy will focus on online marketing, social media, and targeted advertising. We will:


Commuter Cleaning will operate on a flexible schedule to accommodate our customers' busy lifestyles. We will:

Financial Projections

We project the following financial performance for the first three years:

Management Team

Our management team has extensive experience in the cleaning services industry and includes:

Funding Request

We are seeking $100,000 in funding to launch and grow Commuter Cleaning. The funds will be used to:


Commuter Cleaning is a unique and innovative cleaning service that is poised to capitalize on the growing demand for convenient and reliable cleaning solutions. With a strong marketing strategy, efficient operations, and a dedicated management team, we are confident that we can achieve significant growth and profitability in the first three years. We believe that our proposal presents a compelling opportunity for investment and look forward to the possibility of working together to bring Commuter Cleaning to life.